Friday, March 2, 2012

Family Pictures Don't Have To Be A Dread

Family pictures have ALWAYS be a thing of dread in our home.  From boys who HATE to smile, to trying to get everyone dressed up and looking "their best".  Always hoping that in at least one photo everyone would be smiling.  And it NEVER failed....we were all disappointed every time. 

As a mom I always wanted those pictures to hold onto the moments that make the memories.  What I usually got from our time at the photo studio were a bunch of pictures where everyone looks staged, uncomfortable and completely irritated.  Not quite what I was going for!  They never captured our personality or our love for life and each other.

Then we met Kaela Green!  And LOOK!

This is so MY Family!  We are goofy & fun-loving!

We love to laugh and usually like each other!

My kids...being themselves!
Stef is probably saying "What the Heck, Ty"
The elevator was HEATED!
And Yet, we were having the time of our lives....because we were together!

Kaela Green....Thank you for finally helping me get what I wanted out of family pictures!  Thank you for helping my family enjoy the experience!  Thank you for capturing our family as we really are!  We will be seeing you once a year in order to capture more moments that we will treasure for a lifetime!  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cleaning Supplies You and Your Budget will LOVE

I started making my own household cleaners and laundry aides this past December.  And can I tell you that I am loving them!  My budget is also loving them!  They are wonderful and here to stay.

A Much Cheaper version of oxiclean
1/2 cup of Washing Soda
1/2 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide added to your load of whites (let soak for an hour)

This is not one that I make up ahead of time seeing that the peroxide loses it's effectiveness.

Cleaning Stove Burners/Grates
Place the burner into a large zip lock bag with a splash of ammonia, seal, then place into a cookie sheet of 9x11 pan (just in case the bag leaks).  Let sit over night.  In the morning rinse.  If there are a few stubborn spots left make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and rub the last little bit off.  You should not have to scrub them.  The baking soda/peroxide paste will kind of polish them abit.

Fabric Softener
I use 1 cup of Suave hair conditioner (any fragrance you choose) and 1 gallon of hot water.  Mix well.  I use 3/4 of a cup per load of laundry.   You will need to give this a shake before each use.

Dryer sheets
I use the same recipe as the fabric softener.  Place into a container with a large opening and I drop either sponges or rags into the mixture and leave them.  When placing a load of laundry into the dryer I grab one of the sponges give it a quick wring and throw it into the dryer.  After the load is done the sponge goes back into the container.

All Purpose Cleaner
1 part Dawn liquid dish soap
2 parts hydrogen peroxide

I will post more soon! 
Homemade Stain Remover (Shout)• 2/3 cups Dawn Dishwashing Liquid
• 2/3 cups ammonia
• 6 Tblsp baking soda 
• 2 cups warm water
Mix everything together and pour into a spray bottle. I got this one at Wal-Mart for about a buck. (I actually got SEVERAL of them for the array of natural/homemade cleaners I have started using. My inventory continues to expand!)

Before you go to use it...if it's been sitting for awhile...give it a good shake.
To use: spray on stains as you normally would. I usually let mine "soak in" for a few minutes at least. Then launder as usual.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Miracle & A Promise

February 1st, 1993 my son Brandon was born a healthy baby boy! 
That could be the headline for just about any baby born.  For me that was a day of great joy and celebration!  To see and hold my little boy for the first time.  He was alive, his limbs were in tact, he had all of his fingers and toes.  He was living proof that science and doctors do not know everything!  My God is bigger and is in control.

Let me back up a little.  When I was 12 weeks pregnant I went in for a routine appointment and ultrasound.  My doctor was out of town so I saw his colleague.  After the ultrasound I was brought into another room to wait.  The nurse came in and explained to us that there were major concerns with the baby and I needed to consider terminating my pregnancy.  WHAT THE HECK??  I could not even believe they could be so cold.  Didn't they realize this way my baby?  I was a wreck.  My husband was cool, calm and collected...and that made me what to yell at him!  He felt a peace and knew that everything was ok.  I am a bit more hard headed than that.  So God and I had words.  Lots and lots of conversations about this little one I was carrying.  I cried and prayed and finally gave the future (whatever that might be) to God.

A few weeks later I went back in for another ultrasound and also to find out the sex of this baby that I may or may not get to hold.  The only name we had discussed was Brandon.  The verse for his name is Jer. 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.   So I held on to that promise, knowing that no matter what God was sovereign and He would be enough.  That day I found out that I was carrying a boy and his name would be Brandon James.  The doctors continued to warn us that this pregnancy would not be full term and that if the baby could be delivered he would be severally handicap at best.  They would monitor the baby on a bi-weekly basis and we could make decisions as necessary.  Our decision was to see this pregnancy through to what ever end GOD wanted.

My son was born 2 weeks late and weighed 9lbs.  Miracle after miracle.  A child the doctors saw as not compatible with life was now here in my arms just as perfect as could be! 

Now my son is 19 years old and serving our country as a United States Marine.  I am so proud of him and the man he is becoming.  My prayer for my son remains the same...."God, do what you see fit!", I pray that he is a man after God's own heart.  I pray that God will continue to bring things into my sons life to challenge his faith and make him a strong leader who's testimony will change lives for eternity.

Brandon, God gave me a promise!  He blessed me with you and has been faithful.  I will always fight for you and cover you in prayer.  He continues to "know the plans He has for you!"  Now it's your turn to take his promise as your own.  Claim it! Live It! 
Love, Momma

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 5th, 2011 I received a call from my oldest daughter Stephanie at 6:30am.  If you know my sweet daughter she is not a morning person.  So to get a phone call from her at that hour I was a bit concerned.  UNTIL....she says "Mom, wake up!  You really need to be awake to hear this!".  That's when I knew that all of our lives would be changing and quickly. 
You see Stephanie married an amazing man named Ryan in August of 2011.  He is the perfect mate for her!  And I am blessed to call him my son.  I leave off the in-law part because he really is part of my heart now.  OK back to the story. 
Stephanie and Ryan are expecting their first baby!  What incredible news for this mom and for our whole family. We are all giddy!  (Not sure my husband or sons will appreciate that word choice).  We are so excited and blessed to start the process of welcoming a new little one to love into our family. 
From my current is amazing!  The creation of a new life brings with it new hope, new dreams and new love.  

Baby "S", Mimi is so excited that you will be joining our family later this year.  I pray that your time growing and developing inside of your precious mommy will go smoothly.  I pray that even now you will learn to hear the voice of Jesus. That you will know Him intimately and personally.  He is knitting you together even now (Psalm 139.:13) and He knows the plans that He has for you (Jer 29:11).  I pray for your mommy and daddy that God will prepare their hearts for you.  That their love for God and each other with continue to blossom and grow.  You are such a blessing to our family even now. 

I can hardy wait to meet you and hold you precious one!  Until then I will cover you in prayer knowing that God is in control and that He has you in the palm of His hand.  I love you!  Love Mimi